It's interesting, so for most of my pregnancy, I would say up until week 30 or so, I was worried about whether this pregnancy was going to be viable. Every day, every week, every doctor's appointment, I was a ball of stress. It lessened significantly after our 20-week anatomy scan, but for the most part, I really wasn't sure it was happening.
And then we hit 30 weeks and it's like - damn, we are going to have a baby and we have to get our shit together!!!! There is that military term, hurry up and wait, and it feels very much like that. The first few months didn't go by slowly, but all of the anxiety and fear, made me feel numb to the reality that I was growing a human being in my belly. And now, he's just huge and moving around so much it's like an alien underneath my skin, and in the next few weeks that he's in there, he's just going to get bigger and bigger and bigger. So yes - this is indeed happening!
So for this edition of "What No One Tells You" one of the topics is about time. How during pregnancy time is a funny thing. First off, there is the fact that you are seemingly pregnant for a lot longer than 9 months, and that telling people you are in week such and such, doesn't do much for clarity. And as a high-risk mom, most of the first two trimesters was spent just wanting to pass certain milestones (or let's be real, just simply get to the next week and next month) without the doctors telling me something is wrong. And now we are on the other side of that and it feels like we are high-tailing it before the baby arrives. We are working on our apartment (throwing things away, getting rid of old furniture, getting new furniture...more cleaning...did I mention cleaning?) and also looking to purchase a car and continuing to look for a house for our long term plans...
Other than that, the other thing I would like to talk about is this: when you are pregnant, the priority is the baby (which, duh, I totally get) and mama's health is really in relation to the baby's (a healthy mama means a healthy baby). And while that is great, I really am thinking about the long haul here, you know, ensuring that giving birth doesn't totally and utterly wreck my body. I'm really grateful now, that my pubic bone/pelvis pain, sent me to the chiropractor (twice weekly sessions since week 24 thank you very much!) because at 31-plus weeks I have no back pain, and while the pubic bone pain is still very much present, I feel that all of this aligning I've been doing in the past few months is gearing my body up for a better delivery.
I'm also determined to have a natural, unmedicated, vaginal birth, and for the past few weeks (when it hit me that indeed we are having this baby!) I've done some research to figure out how I'm going to do that when crunch time hits. (I was in the delivery room with my sister when she tried an unmedicated birth...she ended up getting an epidural 12 hours in.) I know the reality is I can't just head into my delivery with no plan in place, so I have been doing this hypnobabies course. It's essentially learning hypnosis techniques as a way to anesthetize yourself from the pain of delivery. I know that everything can go out the window when the time comes, but I'd like to at least try to equip myself with some tools for a natural childbirth. (I'll let you know in 9 weeks how it goes!)
Anywho...that's it for my latest "What No One Tells You" post!
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