Thursday, September 19, 2019

What No One Tells You - Addendum to Part 2

In a post where I go through questions about ab separation, stretch marks and post pregnancy incontinence, I said I'd post an update post partum.

So...I got a pretty minor case of diastisis recti (the ab separation I was so fearful of.) My chiropractor has me forgoing all the fun ab exercises at the gym (planks, sit ups) for some focused work on my pelvic floor. Anyways!

In terms of stretch marks, I never got any from pregnancy (I've got my share from puberty thankyouverymuch!) and I'm pretty sure it had to do with this amazing product that I slathered all over the belly, twice daily, from the time I found out I was preggers.

And one more thing: I got tons of fear-based feedback during my pregnancy (from my parents, hubby and misinformed acquaintances) about the fact that I was lifting heavy weights and exercising intensely during my pregnancy. Now that everyone has met our little dude and seen how active (he started rolling over and back at 3 months!) he is, they are all touting the wonders of exercising while pregnant. Here's to listening to your body and tuning out the naysayers, even if they are coming from a place of concern and care. If there is one thing I've learned about motherhood it's this: it fine tunes your ability to listen to yourself and to your instinct.

Lastly, incontinence. Well, I did have my pee muscles refuse to work shortly after I gave birth (two hours of pushing will do that) and now they are a wee bit (still not fully) back to normal. But I'm working on it!

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