Monday, June 3, 2019

What No One Tells You - Part Five

So, for this installment of "What No One Tells You" (maybe the last of these?) I wanna talk about the big ole question mark at the end of the road of pregnancy. Unless you have a scheduled c-section, or induction date, there really is no way of knowing when your baby is going to make an appearance - at least that's where I'm at in this point of pregnancy (nearly 39 weeks in.) There is a lot of talk around me about induction. You know, getting the baby to come out instead of just playing the waiting game. I haven't had that conversation yet, but I hear it around me pertaining to other mamas. So it got me to thinking...

I'm not sure if it's because I'm working with midwives and doulas that this conversation hasn't been had (yet) but since I'm close to my due date, there has been a lot of "so, what's going on?" types of questions going on. Basically the question is: so when is your baby coming? And you know what: I know just as much as you do!

The baby has dropped, his head is down, and sometimes he's in prime position for birthing, with his head facing my spine (the other way is horrendous back labor, I heard) but other than that, I don't know much more. I meet with my midwives at the end of this week (which will be exactly one week from my due date) and since I'm considered high-risk cos of my age, they might be talking about induction...or not. Who knows?

I'm basically just continuing to do what I've done before: walking a lot, working out 4 days a week, going to my chiropractor, doing my pregnancy hypnosis homework, cleaning and organizing the apartment, and keeping baby daddy apprised of all things.'s the home stretch and I really thought at this point I would know better when little man was going to make his arrival. But I really don't and it's funny/scary/ironic/weird/unnerving all at the same time!

Any guesses on his birth day?

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