Monday, September 7, 2020

37 weeks+4 days!

I just read the post I read the last time I was pregnant at this exact same time. And it's insane how life works. Not only do we have a brand new house (our first little guy is sleeping in his own room now) but I have a new job, AM has taken time off work, and we are in a completely different place in our marriage and our life together. Life is a crazy and wild and amazing ride...

My post last time talks about all the work we did on our apartment to get ready for our first guy. And now...we are living in our dream house that we purchased and own, and I'm typing this from the comfort of our brand new king-size bed, and our bedroom is just amazing, and our little guy is in his room that has a crib and a swing and its own couch...Life has a way of becoming exactly what you want and need from it when the right people are in my case, that's AM. 

So...onward to this pregnancy! We are close to less than two weeks away from meeting our next guy. My belly is huge, and I started going to the prenatal chiropractor again. Since we are in the grips of a pandemic I'm considering having a birth center delivery and will focus on choosing to use my hypnosis tools this time around. 

Along with chasing after our first little guy (he will be 15 months in a few days!) this pregnancy has felt a lot different. I'm not in bed every night at 8 p.m. like I was the last time around. Taking care of our first guy is a full time affair and maintaining a house means I can't get into bed early in the evening like last time either. 

I didn't think I would have left Aspen, but I did and I'm glad I did. I've been at my new gig almost two months and the learning curve is still quite steep, and onboarding during a pandemic has been a lot more challenging than I anticipated, but I'm happy I took the leap. 

This time around I am going to go with the doula on call at the birthing center, and take it easy with the prenatal exercises. I will do what I can and that is it!

Less than three weeks and we get to meet our new little guy!!! 

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