Tuesday, March 31, 2020

14 weeks-plus

Hello! It's been a minute! Not that I don't have time to blog, I just...haven't. Yes, we are pregnant, but outside of that, we are living this new quarantine reality which has made everything...different. So yes, I have time, but I'm just trying to get through each day (well, minute and hour) as best I can, with sanity intact.

But I've got some news to share! We are having another little boy! I'm delighted! I always thought that *if* I was going to be a mom, it would be to two boys. Our first little guy is everything and more, and has brought me and AM together in a way I never thought would happen. In all honesty I thought having a baby was going to stress our marriage out. In the beginning since it was the first time for us, we definitely were anxious and took out our fears of making sure this baby stays alive (it is a very real, and I've heard, normal fear) on each other. But we have come to an amazing place together, with our little guy. 

Our first round of testing also came back positive: no chromosomal issues in the form of Down syndrome or other chromosomal issues. I also saw the baby on an ultrasound for the first time, and boy was he moving! I also *feel* like I can feel the baby move, but that usually is not a sensation that occurs until week 16 or so.

Since my typical routine has been thrown off, I am trying my best to retain the healthy habits I had while pregnant with our number 1: exercising, stretching, eating fruits and veggies. And now that my gym is offering virtual classes (yay!) I've been getting back into the swing of things. 

Anywho...our next big appointment will be the mid-point anatomy scan. I hope and pray it goes well! 

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